“The Voluntown Farmers’ Market is here to serve the people of Voluntown by providing locally grown, fresh, high quality produce and products, and to provide local farmers, producers and artisans with an economic outlet within Voluntown. The Voluntown Farmers’ Market further strives to bring more traffic to Main Street, proving local merchants the opportunity to strengthen their businesses and keep the town center economically viable.”
– The Mission Statement of the Voluntown Farmers’ Market, sponsored by the Voluntown Economic Development Commission
******For the 2013 market season we have a new, more visible location and earlier hours!!
The Voluntown Farmers’ Market 2013 Season: July 9-Oct 13
Every Sunday, 10AM-1PM
Find us in the parking lot in front of the Voluntown Elementary School,
195 Main Street (Route 138/165)
Vendor applications are currently being accepted. Please spread the word and check back soon for a list of 2013 vendors.
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions regarding the Voluntown Farmers’ Market, or even if you are interested in volunteering, please contact us at voluntownedc@gmail.com.