Welcome to the Voluntown EDC

Our Mission

Welcome to Voluntown, CTThe mission of the Voluntown Economic Development Commission is to foster economic development in Voluntown and increase the tax base by retaining existing businesses and helping them grow, encouraging indigenous business start-up, and recruiting light industry

Through this website the Voluntown EDC intends to promote Voluntown to prospective businesses and visitors, by highlighting what our town has to offer them.

We hope the new website makes it easier for residents to access information on Voluntown EDC activities. The Voluntown Farmers’ Market, and Voluntown Methodist Church Project pages will be updated frequently. Check back often!

The Voluntown EDC would like to highlight local businesses right here on this website. If you would like to nominate a business to be highlighted, please email us at edc@voluntown.gov . Highlighted business spots may include photos, description of services, introduction of owner(s), and a link to website and social media outlets.

Please remember that www.Voluntown.biz is your tool. Any ideas that you have are greatly appreciated. If your business has an existing website, and you would like to have it linked to www.Voluntown.biz, please send us an email. Thank you in advance for your reply, and thank you for helping us support our town.

A town rich with history

The Wylie School is home to the Voluntown Historical Society.

Pachaug State Forest

Pachaug State Forest in Voluntown, CT

Explore to beautiful woods of Pachaug State Forest

Welcome to Voluntown

Welcome to Voluntown, CT
Home of the Volunteers since 1721